December 28, 2020
Dear Owners of Meadow Lake Resort,
As 2020 comes to an end, we are all anxiously awaiting an end to the adjustments in our lives that we’ve been forced to adapt due to COVID-19. It’s hard to believe that we are here, welcoming 2021 when nine months ago we were announcing the closure of the resort for much of March and all of April due to COVID-19.
As communicated to our owners in June of 2020, we determined a savings of $182,420 in budget line items due to this closure and that we would be placing these funds back in your unit reserves, offsetting future maintenance expenses.
Attached you will find a document outlining the savings that was placed in each unit’s reserves. These amounts vary as they are proportionate to unit size. Our team paid a lot of time and attention to ensure that these amounts were appropriately determined and allocated to each unit type. Click here to see unit reserves.
We also want to make a correction in regards to what was communicated in our June letter. In that letter we stated that these savings amounts would be reflected as a COVID-19 rebate on your 2020 Operating Report that would be sent with your 2021 statement. This was incorrect, as in the past the Operating Report was not provided until the financial year closed and the books were completed. We apologize for this miscommunication.
We hope you find this explanation helpful and informative. Please do not hesitate to reach out to myself at 406-892-8701 with any further questions.
Lastly, as your new general manager, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the warm welcome I’ve received from so many of you. Meadow Lake is such a special place and I am so honored and excited to be the steward of this resort on behalf of all of you. And I greatly look forward to meeting the rest of our owners and hearing about what makes Meadow Lake special to each of you (as well as what things we can be doing to be improve your experience) in the New Year!
Michael Flickinger
General Manager