Owners Internal Exchange

Updated Dec 18, 2019

Owner Internal Exchange:   Meadow Lake Owner Internal Exchange is available at no additional charge to owners.  You may place your OIE request and/or accept a request directly with owner services at:  ownerservices@meadowlake.com.   We will match you with other requests and notify you of the confirmed exchange.  If, you make changes with another owner on your own, please let us know so our arrival records will be correct.


Name:             Unit #: Size:                 Week owned:              Trade request:                       Comments:     

Taylor              1012AB/Two Bed.     June 7-14, 2020          August 1- Sept. 27      anytime in between

Taylor              1122AB/Two Bed.     June 14-21, 2020        August 1- Sept. 27      anytime in between

Hartman          924AB/Two Bed.       November  29, 2020   Any time in May or September 2020